Upholstery cleaning

Despite the utmost care taken at home to look after your upholstery, you would be amazed to know what accumulates in fabric with normal everyday use; sweat, grime, food and drink spills, human skin, human and pet hair, body oils and dust, just to name a few. Some of these, if left long enough, can turn into fungus and cause bacteria to grow.

With our cleaning techniques, you will receive a premium upholstery cleaning service that can remove all of these nastiest and leave your lounge and upholstery looking and smelling fresh.

Our Upholstery Cleaning service includes :-

  • Pre-evaluation of the lounge suite.
  • Instant treatment of spots and stains.
  • Application of high quality cleaning agents.
  • Professional highly-effective steam clean.
  • Fabric rinse with guarantee of no chemical residue in the fabric.
  • Specialized sanitizing and deodorizing process.
  • Scotchgarding to ensure protection and prolonged life of upholstery.
  • The upholstery dries within two hours, leaving it ready for same-day use.

We also offer dust mite and a heavy-duty treatment for our clients if required for peace of mind and complete satisfaction.